Thursday, March 28, 2013

Cabbage Roll Casserole

CABBAGE ROLL CASSEROLE gives you the flavor of traditional cabbage rolls without all the blanching and rolling and filling and so forth. The original recipe calls for some white rice, and some broth to cook the rice. If you want to try it that way, add half a cup of rice and a can (2 cups) of beef or chicken broth when you add the cabbage and tomato sauce.

(based on a recipe at

1 lb ground beef
1 c chopped onion
1 clove garlic, chopped
16 oz can tomato sauce (or spaghetti sauce)
2 lbs cabbage, chopped
1/2 t salt
1/2 t black pepper
1/4 t cayenne pepper, or to taste
1 T Worcestershire sauce

Brown beef, onion, and garlic in a large pot or Dutch oven, seasoning with the salt, pepper and cayenne as you do so. Add the Worcestershire sauce and mix well. Spread the beef mixture evenly over the bottom of the pot or Dutch oven, spread the cabbage over the beef, and then the tomato sauce over the top of that. Cover tightly and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes. Stir well, cover, and cook another 5 minutes or so, or until the cabbage is done to your liking. Some like it really soft, others like it to still have a bit of crunch.

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